About Me

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Miercurea Nirajului, Mures, Romania
Baptist Pastor, married, two daughters

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

So this was the full room in Miercurea. Most of the children are regular visitors, the most chellenging is to make the adults come on a regular basis. This is what we pray for.

T his is in Maiad, the gipsies were very loud. I tried to share the christmas story in their way, to keep theri attention. In Adrianu Mare we had Christmas in the school, in a classroom.

There is an old people's care home in Magherani, we visited them, and had a nice Chrismas sevice with them.  Poems, songs, a short sermon, and gifts.

But before  those meetings we had a family celebration.

Nice gifts, and great food...

We missed Adina, she is in Oregon, taking care of her baby (and probably Murray her husband too)

Christmas 2009

We werer overwhelmed with blessings again ths Christmas. At Christmas Eve and the following 3 days I had the opportunity to go to 11 Christmas worship meetings. It was not boring at all. I had to preach every time, and lead the singing too. These nice events were held in different places: This was in Magherani.